

Tim: Keith put the “ofa” in “sofa.” Aww, you took my spot.
Keith: Were you going to put the “oup” in “soup?”

Keith: So putting the “ofa” in “sofa” was a good idea?
Tim: Always
Keith: I guess that’s better than putting the “ouch” in “couch.”

Tim: Your sofa ruins everything, Keith!



Alan: Did you use t at all in the open of the application judgement?
Keith: I don’t know.
Alan: Didn’t you do it already?
Keith: I don’t know, I don’t know. I have no context. It’s like I’ve been closure-converted and my closure is out on the heap. I’m just code that has invalid references. … … …

Earth day


ima2ba: I was going to pay for a bus…
ima2ba: but then the bus driver was like, no you don’t need to pay…
ima2ba: And I was like, oh, okay.
ima2ba: And he was like, it’s Earth day. All buses in the Seattle area are free on Earth day.
ima2ba: Crazy liberal states.