Patrick: You know what they say, “When you make assumptions, you make an ass out of ‘u’ and mptions.” Mptions isn’t pleased.
Tag Archives: PatrickW
Running carrot
Drawn by Patrick
SoAL Gilder: pat-Hi katie who r u? but it does add to his gilyness, that is, if it is possible for any more to be added. not as much as a dress though. Hmmmmm….a dress… AND PANTIES!!!!!!!!!!!
SoAL Gilder: O.o
JPJSerapis: yeah i know
SoAL Gilder: *blink blink*
JPJSerapis: heh
SoAL Gilder: dont want that image in my head
JPJSerapis: don’t… ask… me
SoAL Gilder: X(
SoAL Gilder: too late
JPJSerapis: no fucking idea
JPJSerapis: lol
SoAL Gilder: *dies*
JPJSerapis: damnit alan
JPJSerapis: stop picturing me in panties
Nebooru: i don’t get porn
Nebooru: neither do i get hentai
Nebooru: it’s stupid
Patrick: yet you cyber
Nebooru: yes
Nebooru: that’s with a real person
Nebooru: a person who loves me
Nebooru: and thinks i’m hot
Nebooru: and wants to do me
Patrick: my sock tastes bad.
ZeldaGaiden83: Uh, why did you tell me that?
Patrick: cuz i just tasted it.
Patrick: yes i’m wierd
Patrick: alan say’s its stinky
ZeldaGaiden83: Eew
Patrick: y do you say eww you didn’t put it in your mouth
Amanda: Oh Alan! Your hands are so strong!
Patrick: Oh Alan! You’ve got such strong hands! C’mere baby.
Patrick: I should sit on the curb and stick my legs out when cars go by.
Random guy: Smoke weed!
David: Pot is cheaper!
Patrick: Aren’t pot and weed the same thing?
Patrick: Look! The cops told them to turn their music down and they did!
Patrick: He just stuck his finger out like this and they turned their music down!
Patrick: I want to do that!
Vicki: We’ll come to Mills one day and find Pat sticking his finger out like that and getting strange looks.
Patrick (while watching people play PPA TCG): Oohhh! You have enough to use me!
Adra: That sounds so wrong.
Patrick: C’mere and use me, baby!