Simpsons TCG: Bart Starter

I bought some Simpsons TCG starters. All decks are themed around a star character and have a card with deck contents. The others can be found here.

Simpsons TCG Bart Starter


1 x Jimbo Jones
3 x Milhouse Van Houten
3 x Nelson Muntz
3 x Otto Mann
1 x Rainier Wolfcastle
3 x Santa’s Little Helper
3 x Sherri & Terri
3 x Uter

2 x Bait and Switch
2 x Search and Destroy
2 x Slimy Tactics
2 x Sneak Attack
1 x Trading Up

3 x Bart’s Treehouse
3 x Kamp Krusty
3 x Phineas Q. Butterfat’s 5600 Flavors Ice Cream Parlor
1 x The Android’s Dungeon

Simpsons TCG: Lisa Starter

I bought some Simpsons TCG starters. All decks are themed around a star character and have a card with deck contents. The others can be found here.

Simpsons TCG Lisa Starter


3 x Dr. Julius Hibbert
1 x Janey Powell
3 x Maggie Simpson
3 x Martin Prince
3 x Principal Skinner
1 x Professor John Frink
3 x Ralph Wiggum
3 x Rod & Todd Flanders

1 x Butting In
2 x Exposed
2 x Healthy Choice
2 x Know-It-All
2 x Trading Places

1 x Science Fair
3 x Springfield Elementary
3 x Springfield Library
3 x The Playground

Simpsons TCG: Homer Starter

I bought some Simpsons TCG starters. All decks are themed around a star character and have a card with deck contents. The others can be found here.

Simpsons TCG Homer Starter


3 x Apu
3 x Barney Grumble
1 x Dr. Nick Rivera
1 x Duffman
3 x Grampa Simpson
3 x Herb Powell
3 x Marge Simpson
3 x Moe Szyslak

2 x All Mine
1 x Dumb Luck
2 x Off Limits
2 x Parade of Idiots
2 x Parental Control

3 x Hullabalooza
3 x Kwik-E-Mart
3 x Moe’s Tavern
1 x Springfield Isotopes Game

Simpsons TCG: Mr. Burns Starter

I bought some Simpsons TCG starters. All decks are themed around a star character and have a card with deck contents. The others can be found here.

Simpsons TCG Mr. Burns Starter

Mr. Burns

3 x Carl Carlson
3 x Chief Clancy Wiggum
1 x Kearney
3 x Lenny
1 x Mayor Quimby
3 x Office Lou
3 x Snake
3 x Waylon Smithers

2 x Executive Privilege
2 x Fine Print
1 x Poison Pill
2 x Staff Review
2 x You’re Fired

3 x Burns Manor
3 x Mr. Burns’s Office
1 x Springfield Nuclear Plant
3 x Springfield Town Hall