

Alan: We ask each other “made from or intended for?”. Like cat food, made from or intended for cats? Coffee cake, made from or intended for coffee?
Ian: Cat food is food you eat while also eating a cat
Ian: I mean, if you follow the logic of coffee cake
Mars: I try to buy duck food, and they try to sell me dog food made from ducks



(Playing You Don’t Know Jack and one of the possible responses for “I roll, pitch, and yaw” is “kitten”)
Alan: You can also pitch them
Dan: They don’t like it, but you sure can
Keith: But do kittens yaw?
Dan: That’s how they keep landing feet side down



(Talking about Ocean’s Eleven)
Dan: It’s weird because it’s a group project where everybody did something
Ian: I haven’t seen the original with Frank Sinatra but I’m pretty sure not everyone did something in that one
Greg: Everyone’s trying to break into the vault and Frank Sinatra is just like “I have to sing this song”