An Alisa


Vicki: What’s an alisa like?
Alisa: An Alisa is like a soft spring day when you’re on a picnic with your secret love. An Alisa is buttery like newly treated leather. An Alisa will fulfill your deepest desires and make you feel like the queen of the world. This is what an Alisa is like.



SoAL Gilder: guess what??!?
SoAL Gilder: GUESS WHAT?!?!
SoAL Gilder: GUESS!?!?!?
castironfeather: ??
castironfeather: whatttt???
SoAL Gilder: guess!!!!!!!!!!
castironfeather: nooo
SoAL Gilder: GUESS!!! 😀 😀 😀
castironfeather: tell me
SoAL Gilder: guessssssssssss
castironfeather: give me a hint
SoAL Gilder: …fine il ltell you
SoAL Gilder: you’re icky
castironfeather: lol ok
castironfeather: gee thanks..
SoAL Gilder: cmon that deserves more than a “gee thanks”
castironfeather: lol…
castironfeather: *thwacks*
castironfeather: better?



SoAL Gilder: brb need more coke
castironfeather: … right..
SoAL Gilder: cocane 🙂
SoAL Gilder: of course
castironfeather: lol I thought so
castironfeather: and it’s..
castironfeather: cocaine
SoAL Gilder: ah
SoAL Gilder: ok
castironfeather: … I think
SoAL Gilder: well SORRY if I cant spell when im high
castironfeather: lol when you’re on cocaine, I don’t think it’s called high
castironfeather: well… maybe

Mountain Dew


SoAL Gilder: i dont know what im more addicted to caffeine or sugar
castironfeather: lol…
SoAL Gilder: did you see the box I brought in today for the party?
castironfeather: *shakes head*
SoAL Gilder: 3 mountain dew and 2 coke
SoAL Gilder: 🙂
castironfeather: …
castironfeather: wow
castironfeather: I foresee lots of guys with sperm count issues
SoAL Gilder: one is diet coke
SoAL Gilder: and all three mountain dew are different types
castironfeather: lol that’s the one I’m going for then



SoAL Gilder: dont you dare go “ewww”
SoAL Gilder: or *gag*
SoAL Gilder: or *choke*
SoAL Gilder: or *suffocate*
SoAL Gilder: or *die*
SoAL Gilder: …wait, i wouldnt mind the last two
castironfeather: lmao
castironfeather: ewwww
SoAL Gilder: meanie



SoAL Gilder: whats wrong with objectifying girls anyway?
SoAL Gilder: what if we only see them as walking, talking boobs?
SoAL Gilder: and/or butts?
castironfeather: …………
castironfeather: I’m… going to kill you tomorrow
SoAL Gilder: haha
castironfeather: slaughtered..
castironfeather: butchered painfully
castironfeather: Castration by cheese-grater!
SoAL Gilder: oh god that… would suck
SoAL Gilder: your sn looks somewhat like “castration”
SoAL Gilder: castration feather
SoAL Gilder: eewww

Puppy surprise


Alan: “surprise surprise puppy surprise”
Alan: “how many puppies are there inside?”
Alan: “there could be three or four or five!”
Alan: rememebr those?
Alan: those were so dumb
RampantVoices: haha no actually
RampantVoices: lol *shakes head*
Alan: they were dumb
Alan: you buy them, and open up their stomachs
Alan: and youd find three to five stuffed puppies
Alan: and of cousre oyu never got five 😛
RampantVoices: o.O
RampantVoices: that’s.. creepy..
Alan: lol
Alan: yeah they were
RampantVoices: “peel apart the inmobile carcass of a formerly pregnant dog… LOOK! BABY PUPPY CARCASSES!”
RampantVoices: someone just killed their dog one day and went, “you knwo what would make a good toy…”



SoAL Gilder: unless it rained soap 😛
castironfeather: haha
castironfeather: rained soap
SoAL Gilder: you never know
castironfeather: natural phenomenon
SoAL Gilder: it rains acid!
SoAL Gilder: it could rain soap!
castironfeather: lol
castironfeather: sureee
SoAL Gilder: 🙂
castironfeather: whatever you say
SoAL Gilder: ill go dump soap in the coulds
SoAL Gilder: clouds
SoAL Gilder: with my airplane
SoAL Gilder: and then itll rain soapy water
castironfeather: ah… that’ll work well..
SoAL Gilder: 😀
SoAL Gilder: actually then it’d just rain soap bars
SoAL Gilder: or liquid soap
SoAL Gilder: depending on which i se
SoAL Gilder: *use
SoAL Gilder: since clouds have no mass
SoAL Gilder: 😀
castironfeather: nice to know…
SoAL Gilder: lol
SoAL Gilder: tomorrows forecast-thunderstorms with a chance of lever 2000
castironfeather: lmao…
castironfeather: today, local boy knocked out by raining bar of soap..
SoAL Gilder: 😀
SoAL Gilder: “it came out of nowhere!” he is quoted as saying as he was wheeled onto the ambulence
castironfeather: lol
SoAL Gilder: “it’s a miracle!”
SoAL Gilder: indeed, the nation’s poor are finding reason to celebrate
castironfeather: lmao..
SoAL Gilder: as it rained pork chops over the city of tempe today
castironfeather: hahaha
SoAL Gilder: back to you, jane



SoAL Gilder: grrrr
SoAL Gilder: *shakes your head violently*
SoAL Gilder: *watches your brain ooze out your ears*
SoAL Gilder: oohhhh funnn
SoAL Gilder: *tastes*
SoAL Gilder: mmmmm brainshake
castironfeather: *pout*