eulalia062423: pat if it was ever just you you you the wourld would be a shitty place
Tag Archives: DavidS
SoAL Gilder: *loves being law abiding*
eulalia062423: dude, life’s not fun without a rush!
SoAL Gilder: meh
SoAL Gilder: I like the slow grandma lane, tyvm
eulalia062423: *sigh* what are we going to do with you?
SoAL Gilder: give me a wheelchair and handicapped licence plate?
eulalia062423: DUDE!!!!! THAT”S A GREAT IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
eulalia062423: OMG!!!!!!
SoAL Gilder: wanna help me make a caw?
eulalia062423: wtf is a caw?
SoAL Gilder: lol
SoAL Gilder: know how a mule is a horse and a donkey?
eulalia062423: yeah…
SoAL Gilder: a caw is a cat and cow (but the mother must be the cow)
SoAL Gilder: (because a mother cat would explode)
eulalia062423: lmao!
eulalia062423: oh god…….
SoAL Gilder: as I was telling vicki
SoAL Gilder: in chem (we were bored)
SoAL Gilder: all we have to do
SoAL Gilder: is find a cat
SoAL Gilder: and arouse it
SoAL Gilder: and find a cow
SoAL Gilder: and stick one in the other
eulalia062423: and i’m supposed to breed a cat and a cow….
eulalia062423: lol
SoAL Gilder: yeah
SoAL Gilder: wanna help?
eulalia062423: lol wtf are you going to do to arouse a cat?
SoAL Gilder: dunno
eulalia062423: show it some cat porn?
SoAL Gilder: pat-Hi katie who r u? but it does add to his gilyness, that is, if it is possible for any more to be added. not as much as a dress though. Hmmmmm….a dress… AND PANTIES!!!!!!!!!!!
SoAL Gilder: O.o
JPJSerapis: yeah i know
SoAL Gilder: *blink blink*
JPJSerapis: heh
SoAL Gilder: dont want that image in my head
JPJSerapis: don’t… ask… me
SoAL Gilder: X(
SoAL Gilder: too late
JPJSerapis: no fucking idea
JPJSerapis: lol
SoAL Gilder: *dies*
JPJSerapis: damnit alan
JPJSerapis: stop picturing me in panties
SoAL Gilder: that’d be around 12 GB, I’m guessing
SoAL Gilder: 10-12
SoAL Gilder: …okay fine, 9-10
SoAL Gilder: but STILL
SoAL Gilder: (wow i’m in an exaggerating mood today)
SoAL Gilder: and it was THIS big! really!
JPJSerapis: lmao
JPJSerapis: hahaha
JPJSerapis: yellow five my ass!
SoAL Gilder: men
SoAL Gilder: *meh
eulalia062423: lol
eulalia062423: men *sigh*
SoAL Gilder: ROFL
SoAL Gilder: quoted
eulalia062423: lol
eulalia062423: !!
eulalia062423: damnit alan
eulalia062423: if you see someone streaking, yeah it’s me. you might want to close your eyes or put on glasses.
SoAL Gilder: O.o
SoAL Gilder: *blinks*
SoAL Gilder: how about i take pix and send them to everyone at ppa
SoAL Gilder: …if my camera doesnt burn out
SoAL Gilder: >_<
eulalia062423: lol how 'bout FREAKING NO!!!!!!
SoAL Gilder: lol
eulalia062423: lol don't think anyone but college chicks needs to see that
SoAL Gilder: LOL
SoAL Gilder: BTW, that has been quoted
eulalia062423: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
SoAL Gilder: mwahahaha
SoAL Gilder: I WIN
eulalia062423: (all in the friendliest sense possible)
eulalia062423: lol but hey i love everything that you’ve done, and all in notepad, too. i’m impressed. heh all i can do is make your computer do endless loops while cussing you out in eight billion languages
SoAL Gilder: LOL
SoAL Gilder: I want my compuyter to cuss at me
SoAL Gilder: in 8 billion languages
eulalia062423: lol wouldn’t that be cool? i’d have to get all the words, but i could do that.
SoAL Gilder: ….i dont think there even ARE 8 billion languages in the world
SoAL Gilder: today I was posting on a message board, and my mind wandered, and somehow I ended up typing
SoAL Gilder: “Gilder gilder gilder gilder gilder gilder”
SoAL Gilder: perfectly with no typos O.o
SoAL Gilder: it was scary
eulalia062423: hahaha
SoAL Gilder: I stared at it and was like “wait a second…”
SoAL Gilder: see if my new away message works
eulalia062423: lol alright
*** Auto-response sent to eulalia062423: SoAL Gilder: You suck!
eulalia062423: Yes I do!
eulalia062423: hahahahah!!!!!
SoAL Gilder: yay
eulalia062423: THAT RULES