

Alan: We ask each other “made from or intended for?”. Like cat food, made from or intended for cats? Coffee cake, made from or intended for coffee?
Ian: Cat food is food you eat while also eating a cat
Ian: I mean, if you follow the logic of coffee cake
Mars: I try to buy duck food, and they try to sell me dog food made from ducks



(Talking about Ocean’s Eleven)
Dan: It’s weird because it’s a group project where everybody did something
Ian: I haven’t seen the original with Frank Sinatra but I’m pretty sure not everyone did something in that one
Greg: Everyone’s trying to break into the vault and Frank Sinatra is just like “I have to sing this song”



Alan: That’s why they name virtual assistants things you wouldn’t normally say. So you don’t unintentionally say their names in conversation.
Ian: My mind went to a bad place. Like “What’s a name nobody would have? Oh, Hitler! They should name it Hitler.”
Mars: Wouldn’t make it past marketing.