

Alan: if more people were gay it would solve the problem of overpopulation
Echidnapi: heh. overpopulation isn’t really the largest problem
Echidnapi: old people
Echidnapi: now that is our problem
Echidnapi: how about all the old people be gay



Alan: and i ate a bucket of lard yesterday
Alan: im gonna grow fatttt
Echidnapi: heh
Alan: and for breakfast i had a stick of butter
Alan: covered in sugar
Echidnapi: mmm
Echidnapi: with some flour that would be a dough boy



Alan: im stalking you through your journal
Echidnapi: hmmmm
Alan: slowly gaining insight into your psyche
Alan: so i can manipulate you
Alan: make you train killer monkies into attacking the Dean so we all get free tuition
Echidnapi: heh, for reaons like that I disconnect myself from my sister just enough so we have to get to each other by memory through the internet
Alan: lol
Alan: fun
Echidnapi: so if one of us in our mission is comprimised , the other can go on
Alan: YUS
Echidnapi: incase say, you try to slaughter my family or something
Alan: *stalks your sister*
Echidnapi: or I to you..I mean *cough*



Alan: *is dead*
Alan: *is rotting*
Echidnapi: crap
Echidnapi: not on my sanebow
Alan: *flies buzz around*
Echidnapi: *kicks it off*
Alan: *is rotting under your sanebow*
Alan: *rot rot rot*
Alan: *decompose decompose*
Echidnapi: hmm..well, something will grow there I guess
Echidnapi: at some point
Alan: *big thorny bush grows through sanebow and splits it in 2*
Alan: *grow grow*
Alan: *split split*
Echidnapi: thats a lot of splitting and thorn bushes
Alan: yeah
Alan: what about the dead birds on your sanebow?
Alan: theyre still there
Echidnapi: meh, thats fine
Alan: cute little birdies crawling with maggots
Alan: maggots eating your sanebow
Alan: *eat eat*
Alan: speaking of which, i should go eat eat



Alan: i have a package
Alan: gotta go back to UC
Alan: >_< Echidnapi: oooooh Alan: eh ill get it tomorrow Echidnapi: cool Echidnapi: ah, oh well, probably was a bomb anyways Echidnapi: if there are people watching aim traffic Echidnapi: BOMB Echidnapi: ASSASINATION Echidnapi: KABOOM Echidnapi: PACKAGE Alan: O.o Alan: O.o Echidnapi: err *cough* Alan: *thwaks* Echidnapi: I saw a dog sniffing the bleachers, I assume for bombs, probably not for crack cocaine Alan: yeah Alan: we went to the second floor doherty Alan: to get a vintage point for pictures Alan: theres a womans bathroom overlooking the area Echidnapi: got to see the bomb checkers? Alan: there was an armed guard preventing people from using the bathroom Alan: -_- Echidnapi: ooooooooooooh