Wow TCG: Dark Portal Warlock Starter Deck List

I bought a ton of WoW TCG starters recently, but I found it difficult to find any listing online of cards in each starter.

Here’s listings of the starter decks. All 9 Azeroth and 6 of the 9 Dark Portal starters are listed, along with Death Knight and Drums of War. Mostly for my own reference. (The others can be found here.)

Dark Portal Warlock Starter

Zenith Shadowforce – Human Warlock Alliance
2 x Eye of Kilrogg
1 x Hellfire
1 x Ritual Sacrifice
2 x Shred Soul
2 x Morfiel
1 x Piztog
2 x Brother Rhone
2 x Gertha, The Old Crone
2 x Kavai the Wanderer
2 x Korthas Greybeard
2 x Lady Kath
2 x Mya, Dragonling Wrangler
1 x Valanos
1 x Major Healing Potion
1 x Penelope’s Rose
2 x As the Crow Flies
2 x A Donation of Silk
2 x The Dying Balance
2 x The Scourge Cauldrons

Wow TCG: Dark Portal Paladin Starter Deck List

I bought a ton of WoW TCG starters recently, but I found it difficult to find any listing online of cards in each starter.

Here’s listings of the starter decks. All 9 Azeroth and 6 of the 9 Dark Portal starters are listed, along with Death Knight and Drums of War. Mostly for my own reference. (The others can be found here.)

Dark Portal Paladin Starter

Aleyah Dawnborn – Blood Elf Paladin Horde
1 x Consecration
2 x Hammer of Wrath
2 x Infusion of Light
2 x Righteous Vengance
2 x Araelun
1 x Branu Wildbloom
2 x Dayna Cousin-to-Sun
2 x Morik
2 x Outrider Zarg
2 x Ra’chee
1 x Sister Rot
1 x Tanwa the Marksman
1 x Vanda Skydaughter
2 x Waz’luk
1 x Ornate Adamantium Breastplate
1 x Halberd of Smiting
1 x Solanian’s Belongings
1 x As the Crow Flies
2 x The Dying Balance
2 x Finkle Einhorn, At Your Service!
1 x The Scourge Cauldrons

Wow TCG: Dark Portal Priest Starter Deck List

I bought a ton of WoW TCG starters recently, but I found it difficult to find any listing online of cards in each starter.

Here’s listings of the starter decks. All 9 Azeroth and 6 of the 9 Dark Portal starters are listed, along with Death Knight and Drums of War. Mostly for my own reference. (The others can be found here.)

Dark Portal Priest Starter

Anchorite Kalinna – Draenei Priest Alliance
1 x Brainwash
2 x Greater Heal
1 x Mind Vision
2 x Renew
2 x Apprentice Merry
2 x Durdin Hammerhand
1 x Field Commander Olinnae
2 x Jeleane Nightbreeze
2 x Kavai the Wanderer
2 x Pithran Mithrilshot
2 x Scaramanga
2 x Valanos
1 x Warden Ravella
1 x Crimson Felt Hat
1 x Will of Arlokk
2 x Inoculation
2 x A Donation of Silk
1 x The Dying Balance
2 x Finkle Einhorn, At Your Service!
1 x The Scourge Cauldrons

Wow TCG: Dark Portal Mage Starter Deck List

I bought a ton of WoW TCG starters recently, but I found it difficult to find any listing online of cards in each starter.

Here’s listings of the starter decks. All 9 Azeroth and 6 of the 9 Dark Portal starters are listed, along with Death Knight and Drums of War. Mostly for my own reference. (The others can be found here.)

Dark Portal Mage Starter

Ruby Gemsparkle – Gnome Mage Alliance
2 x Arcane Missiles
1 x Blistering Fire
2 x Deep Freeze
1 x Evocation
2 x Scorch
2 x Bretander of the Claw
1 x Brother Rhone
2 x Cerwyn
2 x “Chipper” Ironbane
2 x Pithran Mithrilshot
1 x Primalist Naseth
2 x Scaramanga
2 x Timm
2 x Vindicator Enkallus
1 x Crimson Felt Hat
1 x As the Crow Flies
1 x Divino-matic Rod
1 x A Donation of Silk
2 x The Dying Balance
2 x Finkle Einhorn, At Your Service!

Wow TCG: Azeroth Warlock Starter Deck List

I bought a ton of WoW TCG starters recently, but I found it difficult to find any listing online of cards in each starter.

Here’s listings of the starter decks. All 9 Azeroth and 6 of the 9 Dark Portal starters are listed, along with Death Knight and Drums of War. Mostly for my own reference. (The others can be found here.)

Azeroth Warlock Starter

Radak Doombringer – Orc Warlock Horde
1 x Life Tap
2 x Sever the Cord
2 x Shadow Bolt
2 x Steal Essence
1 x Infernal
2 x Sarmoth
2 x Arnold Flem
1 x Benethor Draigo
2 x Hierophant Caydiem
2 x Ka’tali Stonetusk
2 x Taz’dingo
2 x Wazzuli Wildmender
2 x Zygore Bladebreaker
1 x Whitemane’s Chapeau
1 x Rod of the Ogre Magi
1 x Blueleaf Tubers
1 x Chasing A-Me 01
2 x A Donation of Wool
1 x Into the Maw of Madness
1 x The Princess Trapped
1 x Your Fortune Awaits You

Wow TCG: Azeroth Warrior Starter Deck List

I bought a ton of WoW TCG starters recently, but I found it difficult to find any listing online of cards in each starter.

Here’s listings of the starter decks. All 9 Azeroth and 6 of the 9 Dark Portal starters are listed, along with Death Knight and Drums of War. Mostly for my own reference. (The others can be found here.)

Azeroth Warrior Starter

Warrax – Dwarf Warrior Alliance
1 x Battle Shout
1 x Cleave
1 x Demoralizing Shout
1 x Execute
2 x Rend
2 x Crazy Igvand
1 x Freya Lightsworn
2 x Galway Steamwhistle
2 x Grint Sundershot
1 x Lady Courtney Noel
1 x Liba Wobblebonk
2 x Moira Darkheart
1 x Ryn Dreamstrider
1 x Stylean Siversteel
1 x Treesong
1 x Warden Tonarin
1 x Golen SKull Helm
2 x Annihilator
1 x Iceblade Hacker
1 x Big Game Hunters
1 x Blueleaf Tubers
2 x A Donation of Wool
1 x Sunken Treasure
2 x Your Fortune Awaits You

Wow TCG: Dark Portal Hunter Starter Deck List

I bought a ton of WoW TCG starters recently, but I found it difficult to find any listing online of cards in each starter.

Here’s listings of the starter decks. All 9 Azeroth and 6 of the 9 Dark Portal starters are listed, along with Death Knight and Drums of War. Mostly for my own reference. (The others can be found here.)

Dark Portal Hunter Starter

Azarak Wolfsblood – Orc Hunter Horde
2 x Point Blank
2 x Trophy Kill
1 x Wing Clip
1 x Chops
1 x Hootie
1 x Venomstrike
1 x Debros Cousin-to-Moon
2 x Kalnuf Eagleheart
2 x Magran Proudstep
2 x Outrider Zarg
2 x Scout Omerrta
1 x Sister Rot
1 x Tanwa the Marksman
2 x Vanda Skydaughter
1 x Waz’luk
2 x Blackcrow
2 x Hidden Enemies
1 x As the Crow Flies
2 x The Dying Balance
2 x Finkle Einhorn, At Your Service!
1 x Samophlange

Wow TCG: Azeroth Rogue Starter Deck List

I bought a ton of WoW TCG starters recently, but I found it difficult to find any listing online of cards in each starter.

Here’s listings of the starter decks. All 9 Azeroth and 6 of the 9 Dark Portal starters are listed, along with Death Knight and Drums of War. Mostly for my own reference. (The others can be found here.)

Azeroth Rogue Starter

Timmo Shadestep – Gnome Rogue Alliance
1 x Backstab
1 x Coup de Grace
1 x Deadly Poison
2 x Gouge
1 x Sinister Strike
2 x Galahandra, Keeper of the Silent Grove
1 x Galway Steamwhistle
1 x Grint Sundershot
2 x Kor Cindervein
1 x Kryton Barleybeard
2 x Latro Abiectus
2 x Milo the Unmerciful
2 x Moria Darkheart
1 x Tracker Gallen
1 x Sha’lin Nightwind
1 x Devilsaur Leggings
1 x Barman Shanker
1 x Scarlet Kris
1 x Big Game Hunter
1 x A Donation of Wool
1 x Into the Maw of Madness
1 x Kibler’s Exotic Pets
2 x The Princess Trapped
1 x Sunken Treasure
1 x Your Fortune Awaits You

Wow TCG: Azeroth Shaman Starter Deck List

I bought a ton of WoW TCG starters recently, but I found it difficult to find any listing online of cards in each starter.

Here’s listings of the starter decks. All 9 Azeroth and 6 of the 9 Dark Portal starters are listed, along with Death Knight and Drums of War. Mostly for my own reference. (The others can be found here.)

Azeroth Shaman Starter

Grennan Stormspeaker – Tauren Shaman Horde
1 x Chain Lightning
2 x Earthbind Totem
2 x Frost Shock
1 x Healing Stream Totem
1 x Lightning Bolt
1 x Skewer
1 x Shattering Blow
2 x Bala Silentblade
1 x Besh’iah
2 x Confessor Mildred
1 x Gartok Skullsplitter
1 x Karkas Deathhowl
2 x Kulan Earthguard
2 x Vaerik Proudhoof
2 x Voss Treebender
1 x Zygore Bladebreaker
2 x Iceblade Hacker
1 x Chasing A-Me 01
1 x It’s a Secret to Everybody
2 x The Love Potion
2 x The Princess Trapped
1 x Your Fortune Awaits You

Wow TCG: Azeroth Priest Starter Deck List

I bought a ton of WoW TCG starters recently, but I found it difficult to find any listing online of cards in each starter.

Here’s listings of the starter decks. All 9 Azeroth and 6 of the 9 Dark Portal starters are listed, along with Death Knight and Drums of War. Mostly for my own reference. (The others can be found here.)

Azeroth Priest Starter

Omedus the Punisher – Undead Priest Horde
1 x Chastise
1 x Dispel Magic
2 x Flash Heal
1 x Mind Control
2 x Power Word: Fortitude
2 x Shadow Word: Pain
2 x Benethor Draigo
2 x Blood Guard Mal’wani
2 x Fa’tafi
1 x Guardian Steelhorn
1 x Hur Shieldsmasher
2 x Ka’tali Stonetusk
2 x Mias the Putrid
1 x Voss Treebender
2 x Wazzuli Wildmender
2 x The Hammer of Grace
1 x Blueleaf Tubers
1 x In Dreams
2 x It’s a Secret to Everybody
1 x The Princess Trapped
1 x Your Fortune Awaits You