Panini DBZ TCG: Awakening Vegeta Starter Deck List

I bought a ton of Panini DBZ TCG starters recently, but I found it difficult to find any listing online of cards in each starter.

Here’s listings of the starter decks. (The others can be found here.)

S6 Vegeta (Level 1)
S7 Vegeta (Level 2)
S8 Vegeta (Level 3)
S9 Vegeta (Level 4)
S10 Orange Retribution Mastery
<1 random Personality or Mastery>
<4 random foil red cards>

1 x S31 Confrontation
2 x S54 Vegeta’s Galick Gun
3 x S55 Orange Upward Strike
3 x S56 Orange Enraged Bash
3 x S57 Orange Excavation
3 x S58 Orange Inspection
3 x S59 Orange Energy Absorption
2 x S60 Orange Precise Shot
3 x S61 Orange Offensive Strike
3 x S62 Orange Launcher
3 x S63 Orange Truck Lift
3 x S64 Orange Refocus
3 x S65 Orange Overhead Smash
2 x S66 Orange LEft Punch
2 x S67 Orange Possession Drill
2 x S68 Orange Aura Drill
2 x S69 Orange Joint Restraint Drill
3 x S70 Orange Stare Down
3 x S71 Orange Energy Gathering
2 x S72 Orange Celebration
2 x S73 Orange Burning Aura Drill
2 x S74 Orange Hiding Drill
2 x S75 Orange Steady Drill
2 x S76 Orange Energy Dan Drill

Panini DBZ TCG: Awakening Cell Starter Deck List

I bought a ton of Panini DBZ TCG starters recently, but I found it difficult to find any listing online of cards in each starter.

Here’s listings of the starter decks. (The others can be found here.)

S11 Cell (Level 1)
S12 Cell (Level 2)
S13 Cell (Level 3)
S14 Cell (Level 4)
S15 Namekian Radiant Mastery
<1 random Personality or Mastery>
<4 random foil Namekian or villain ally cards>

1 x S77 Stare Down
3 x S78 Namekian Hand Burst
3 x S79 Namekian Heel Kick
1 x S80 Namekian Wish
3 x S81 Namekian Downward Blast
3 x S82 Namekian Aerial Knee
2 x S83 Namekian Hybrid Defense
3 x S84 Namekian Silencing
3 x S85 Namekian Maximum Will
3 x S86 Namekian Right Throw
2 x S87 Namekian Flinch
3 x S88 Namekian Elbow Drop
2 x S89 Namekian Reeneration
1 x S90 Namekian Dragon Claw
2 x S91 Namekian Concentration
3 x S92 Namekian Forceful Block
3 x S93 Namekian Knee Block
3 x S94 Namekian Crossed Guard
2 x S95 Namekian Combat Drill
3 x S96 Namekian Finger Lasers
3 x S97 Namekian Focused Beams
3 x S98 Namekian Zone Pressure
3 x S99 Namekian Chest Explosion
1 x U61 Earth Dragon Ball 1
1 x U76 Cell Jr.

Panini DBZ TCG: Awakening Hercule Starter Deck List

I bought a ton of Panini DBZ TCG starters recently, but I found it difficult to find any listing online of cards in each starter.

Here’s listings of the starter decks. (The others can be found here.)

S21 Hercule (Level 1)
S22 Hercule (Level 2)
S23 Hercule (Level 3)
S24 Hercule (Level 4)
S25 Black Conflict Mastery
<1 random Personality or Mastery>
<4 random foil black cards>

1 x S31 Confrontation
2 x S124 Black Command
2 x S125 Black Corruption
2 x S126 Black Defensive Burst
2 x S127 Black Finger Block
3 x S128 Black Flying Kick
3 x S129 Black Hug Maneuver
3 x S130 Black Knee Catch
3 x S131 Black Lunge
2 x S132 Black Nightmare
2 x S133 Black Request
3 x S134 Black Side Thrust
3 x S135 Black Swipe
3 x S136 Black Travelling Punch
2 x S137 Black Easy Block
2 x S138 Black Unstable Punch
2 x S139 Devastating Blow
3 x S140 Black Hair Trap
3 x S141 Black Fist Lock
2 x S142 Black Radiating Drill
3 x S143 Black Strike
2 x S144 Black Overpowering Attack
2 x S145 Black Speedy Dodge
2 x S146 Black Declaration
3 x S147 Black Entanglement

Panini DBZ TCG: Awakening Goku Starter Deck List

I bought a ton of Panini DBZ TCG starters recently, but I found it difficult to find any listing online of cards in each starter.

Here’s listings of the starter decks. (The others can be found here.)

S1 Goku (Level 1)
S2 Goku (Level 2)
S3 Goku (Level 3)
S4 Goku (Level 4)
S5 Blue Resolute Mastery
<1 random Personality or Mastery>
<4 random foil blue cards>

1 x S31 Confrontation
3 x S32 Blue Head Kick
3 x S33 Blue Slide
3 x S34 Blue Concentrated Blast
3 x S35 Blue Outbreak
3 x S36 Blue Overcharge
2 x S37 Blue Mental Drill
3 x S38 Blue Draining Blast
3 x S39 Blue Energy Overload
3 x S40 Blue Head Knock
3 x S41 Blue Betrayal
2 x S42 Blue Fear
3 x S43 Blue Arm Blast
2 x S44 Blue Face Crunch
3 x S45 Blue Narrow Escape
3 x S46 Blue Hand Blast
3 x S47 Blue Crouch
2 x S48 Blue Stretch Kick
2 x S49 Blue Round Throw
3 x S50 Blue Guard
2 x S51 Blue Neck Beam
3 x S52 Blue Cover Up
3 x S53 Blue Energy Focus

Panini DBZ TCG: Awakening Trunks Starter Deck List

I bought a ton of Panini DBZ TCG starters recently, but I found it difficult to find any listing online of cards in each starter.

Here’s listings of the starter decks. (The others can be found here.)

S26 Trunks (Level 1)
S27 Trunks (Level 2)
S28 Trunks (Level 3)
S29 Trunks (Level 4)
S30 Red Ascension Mastery
<1 random Personality or Mastery>
<4 random foil red cards>

1 x S31 Confrontation
3 x S148 Red Back Kick
2 x S149 Red Blazing Aura
2 x S150 Red Blocking Hand
2 x S151 Red Catch
3 x S152 Red Chop
2 x S153 Red Destiny
2 x S154 Red Double Strike
3 x S155 Red Duck
2 x S156 Red Energy Blast
2 x S157 Red Energy Defensive Stance
2 x S158 Red Flares
2 x S159 Red Frenzied Blasts
3 x S160 Red Heating Beams
2 x S161 Red Intimidation Drill
3 x S162 Red Power Lift
3 x S163 Red Power Rush
3 x S164 Red Right Cross
3 x S165 Red Smash
3 x S166 Red Sword Stab
2 x S167 Red Tactical Drill
2 x S168 Red Tandem Blast
3 x S169 Red Vault
3 x S170 Red Right Knee
2 x S171 Red Energy Outburst

Wow TCG: Death Knight Starter Deck List

I bought a ton of WoW TCG starters recently, but I found it difficult to find any listing online of cards in each starter.

Here’s listings of the starter decks. All 9 Azeroth and 6 of the 9 Dark Portal starters are listed, along with Death Knight and Drums of War. Mostly for my own reference. (The others can be found here.)

Death Knight Starter

Saeryn Dusksorrow – Blood Elf Death Knight Horde
2 x Blood Boil
2 x Plague Strike
1 x Death Grip
2 x Death Coil
1 x Raise Dead
2 x Blood Strike
2 x Mind Freeze
1 x Frost Presence
2 x Icy Touch
2 x Rantuko Grimtouch
2 x Vanessa Fairgraves
2 x Tal’zin
2 x Grogmar Deathgore
1 x Greathelm of the Scourge Champion
1 x Greatsword of the Ebon Blade
1 x Ruined Soulblade
2 x Hazardous Materials
2 x Darkness Calling
2 x Betrayal
3 x Ghoul

Death Knight Card Pack

Randolphe Mortimer – Human Death Knight Alliance
2 x Blood Presence
1 x Death Grip
1 x Frost Presence
1 x Raise Dead
2 x Valeros Chillheart
2 x Ahkara
2 x Brumdor Deadforge
2 x Wanda Darkfizz
1 x Greathelm of the Scourge Champion
1 x Greatsword of the Ebon Blade
1 x Ruined Soulblade

Wow TCG: Drums of War Starter Deck Lists

I bought a ton of WoW TCG starters recently, but I found it difficult to find any listing online of cards in each starter.

Here’s listings of the starter decks. All 9 Azeroth and 6 of the 9 Dark Portal starters are listed, along with Death Knight and Drums of War. Mostly for my own reference. (The others can be found here.)

Drums of War PVP Starter – Alliance

Spellweaver Jihan – Human Mage Alliance
1 x Conjured Cinnamon Roll
4 x Ice Lance
1 x Mystic Denial
2 x Arcane Spikes
2 x Engulfing Blaze
4 x Bernard, Zealot of the Light
4 x Priestess Katianna
4 x Hovin the Shield
3 x Orono the Great
1 x Chief Researcher Kartos
2 x Magnus Longbarrel
2 x Swordsmith Hanso
2 x Virkaltor
1 x Wand of Biting Cold
3 x Establishing New Outposts
3 x Outland Sucks!
2 x A Rare Bean
2 x Revenge is Tasty

Drums of War PVP Starter – Horde

The Longeye – Troll Hunter Horde
1 x Hunter’s Mark
3 x Sudden Shot
2 x Turn the Blade
2 x Arcane Spikes
4 x Batter Brains McGillicutty
4 x Joja’bee
3 x Ra’za WildStorm
4 x Selin Duskrunner
2 x Zip
1 x Chief Researcher Amereldine
2 x Mistress Naila Flameburst
2 x Nok’tal the Savage
1 x Bloodseeker
1 x Lohn’goron, Bow of the Torn-heart
3 x Bolstering Our Defenses
2 x Arena Master
3 x The Last Barov
2 x Soup for the Soul

Wow TCG: Dark Portal Warrior Starter Deck List

I bought a ton of WoW TCG starters recently, but I found it difficult to find any listing online of cards in each starter.

Here’s listings of the starter decks. All 9 Azeroth and 6 of the 9 Dark Portal starters are listed, along with Death Knight and Drums of War. Mostly for my own reference. (The others can be found here.)

Dark Portal Warrior Starter

Bulkas Wildhorn – Tauren Warrior Horde
1 x Bloodrage
1 x Commanding Shout
2 x Crushing Blow
2 x Intercept
2 x Ghank
2 x Greefer
2 x Kalnuf Eagleheart
2 x Outrider Zarg
1 x Scout Omerrta
1 x Tanwa the Marksman
2 x Tiril Dawnrider
2 x Vanda Skydaughter
1 x Ornate Adamantium Breastplate
2 x Fel Iron Hatchet
1 x Halberd of Smiting
2 x Poison Water
1 x As the Crow Flies
2 x The Dying Balance
2 x Finkle Einhorn, At Your Service
1 x Samophlange

Wow TCG: Dark Portal Rogue Starter Deck List

I bought a ton of WoW TCG starters recently, but I found it difficult to find any listing online of cards in each starter.

Here’s listings of the starter decks. All 9 Azeroth and 6 of the 9 Dark Portal starters are listed, along with Death Knight and Drums of War. Mostly for my own reference. (The others can be found here.)

Dark Portal Rogue Starter
(Reconstructed as best I could; corrections are welcome)

Daspien Bladedancer – Blood Elf Rogue Horde
1 x Kick
1 x Mind-numbing Poison
2 x Prey on the Weak
2 x Purloin
2 x Araelun
2 x Guardian Steppestrider
2 x Kalnuf Eagleheart
2 x Magran Proudstep
2 x Outrider Zarg
2 x Scout Omerrta
2 x Sister Rot
2 x Vanda Skydaughter
2 x Viking Warhammer
1 x Solanian’s Belongings
1 x As the Crow Flies
2 x The Dying Balance
1 x Finkle Einhorn, At Your Service!
1 x Samophlange
2 x The Scourge Cauldrons

Wow TCG: Dark Portal Warlock Starter Deck List

I bought a ton of WoW TCG starters recently, but I found it difficult to find any listing online of cards in each starter.

Here’s listings of the starter decks. All 9 Azeroth and 6 of the 9 Dark Portal starters are listed, along with Death Knight and Drums of War. Mostly for my own reference. (The others can be found here.)

Dark Portal Warlock Starter

Zenith Shadowforce – Human Warlock Alliance
2 x Eye of Kilrogg
1 x Hellfire
1 x Ritual Sacrifice
2 x Shred Soul
2 x Morfiel
1 x Piztog
2 x Brother Rhone
2 x Gertha, The Old Crone
2 x Kavai the Wanderer
2 x Korthas Greybeard
2 x Lady Kath
2 x Mya, Dragonling Wrangler
1 x Valanos
1 x Major Healing Potion
1 x Penelope’s Rose
2 x As the Crow Flies
2 x A Donation of Silk
2 x The Dying Balance
2 x The Scourge Cauldrons