Celia: Emily, Michael says you have no heart.
Emily: Aww, thanks Michael. You understand me! That’s why I’m your protege.
Michael: I don’t think that means what you think it means.
Emily: That’s why I’m your child? Your spawn of demons? Your demon spawn?
Tag Archives: CeliaL
Celia: Patrick, your hair is fuzzier than usual. Not blurry, fuzzy.
(Patrick messes with his hair)
Patrick: Yeah, well, I washed it.
Celia: I want my friends to have babies so I can put them inside weird things. Have you seen the babies inside the watermelon and pumpkin?
(Celia has put Emily in time out for being loud)
Madelyn: Can Emily be out of time out to help me with Tartan?
Celia: As long as there are no exclamation points or all caps in your speech.
Emily: Then I can’t talk!
Emily: Greg didn’t know something?
Anna: He thought brillobox was capitalized.
Michael: It’s in the style guide.
Greg: I’ve told you guys it’s provably false that I know everything.
Celia: That was the one thing he didn’t know. NOW he knows everything.
Michael: If you want to drain your battery, play games or stream video.
Celia: But that requires me interacting with my phone for an extended period of time.
Emily: Cereal, this caption is so in-depth… you’re gonna love it!
(Celia squeals)
Anna: Stacey, you’ve officially replaced Alex as the magic member of our staff.
Celia: What?!
Anna: Well, Magic Alex isn’t here anymore, and he never does anything, and Stacey is magical and is a Photoshop wizard.
Michael: I thought Stacey was always magic.
Anna: Well, she’s doing really asthetically pleasing magic right now.
Stacey: Stacey is doing really sketchy magic.
Celia: Where do you keep your cello?
Evan: In CFA. There’s a cello room.
Anna: For a second, I thought you asked, “Where do you keep your jello?”
Katie: You want to see where I keep my jello? Come back to my place and I’ll show you my jello.
Celia: I’m so fed up with red light. Photos never come out good with red light.
Michael: Can’t you just add in some… green light… and
Celia: That’s not how it works.