Panini DBZ TCG: Evolution Vegeta Starter Deck List

I bought a ton of Panini DBZ TCG starters recently, but I found it difficult to find any listing online of cards in each starter.

Here’s listings of the starter decks. (The others can be found here.)

S16 Vegeta – Calculating (Level 1)
S17 Vegeta – On The Move (Level 2)
S18 Vegeta – Super Saiyan (Level 3)
S19 Vegeta – Elite (Level 4)
S20 Orange Adept Mastery
<1 random Personality or Mastery>
<4 random foil Orange cards>

1 x S32 Confrontation
2 x S102 Orange Celebration
2 x S103 Orange Energy Gathering
2 x S104 Orange Aura Drill
2 x S105 Orange Calming Drill
2 x S106 Orange Empowered Drill
2 x S107 Orange Joint Restraint Drill
2 x S108 Orange Confidence
3 x S109 Orange Cover Up
2 x S110 Orange Distracting Beam
3 x S111 Orange Energy Absorption
3 x S112 Orange Energy Evasion
2 x S113 Orange Eruption
2 x S114 Orange Excavation
2 x S115 Orange Extension
2 x S116 Orange Inspection
2 x S117 Orange Launcher
2 x S118 Orange Offensive Strike
2 x S119 Orange Palm Blasts
2 x S120 Orange Power Point
2 x S121 Orange Precise Shot
3 x S122 Orange Quick Dodge
2 x S123 Orange Rage
3 x S124 Orange Refocus
2 x S125 Orange Revenge
2 x S126 Orange Saving Kick
2 x S127 Orange Stare Down
2 x S128 Orange Truck Lift

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