Panini DBZ TCG: Base Set Personality Cards

Each deck comes with one of six random personalities and an associated mastery. The personalities are not in any way tied to which of the two “decks” you get.

The personality comes with a corresponding Mastery, 1 other random premium Personality or Mastery, and 3 random foil cards.

S1 Vegeta (Level 1)
S2 Vegeta (Level 2)
S3 Vegeta (Level 3)
S4 Vegeta (Level 4)
S25 Saiyan Empowered Mastery

S5 Goku (Level 1)
S6 Goku (Level 2
S7 Goku (Level 3)
S8 Goku (Level 4)
S26 Orange Adaptive Mastery

S9 Gohan (Level 1)
S10 Gohan (Level 2)
S11 Gohan (Level 3)
S12 Gohan (Level 4)
S27 Red Enraged Mastery

S13 Krillin (Level 1)
S14 Krillin (Level 2)
S15 Krillin (Level 3)
S16 Krillin (Level 4)
S28 Black Devious Mastery

S17 Frieza (Level 1)
S18 Frieza (Level 2)
S19 Frieza (Level 3)
S20 Frieza (Level 4)
S29 Blue Protective Mastery

S21 Piccolo (Level 1)
S22 Piccolo (Level 2)
S23 Piccolo (Level 3)
S24 Piccolo (Level 4)
S30 Namekian Knowledge Mastery

2 thoughts on “Panini DBZ TCG: Base Set Personality Cards

  1. Pingback: Panini DBZ TCG: Base Set Starter Deck List 1 | Randomjunk

  2. Pingback: Panini DBZ TCG: Base Set Starter Deck List 2 | Randomjunk

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