SoAL Gilder: unless it rained soap 😛
castironfeather: haha
castironfeather: rained soap
SoAL Gilder: you never know
castironfeather: natural phenomenon
SoAL Gilder: it rains acid!
SoAL Gilder: it could rain soap!
castironfeather: lol
castironfeather: sureee
SoAL Gilder: 🙂
castironfeather: whatever you say
SoAL Gilder: ill go dump soap in the coulds
SoAL Gilder: clouds
SoAL Gilder: with my airplane
SoAL Gilder: and then itll rain soapy water
castironfeather: ah… that’ll work well..
SoAL Gilder: 😀
SoAL Gilder: actually then it’d just rain soap bars
SoAL Gilder: or liquid soap
SoAL Gilder: depending on which i se
SoAL Gilder: *use
SoAL Gilder: since clouds have no mass
SoAL Gilder: 😀
castironfeather: nice to know…
SoAL Gilder: lol
SoAL Gilder: tomorrows forecast-thunderstorms with a chance of lever 2000
castironfeather: lmao…
castironfeather: today, local boy knocked out by raining bar of soap..
SoAL Gilder: 😀
SoAL Gilder: “it came out of nowhere!” he is quoted as saying as he was wheeled onto the ambulence
castironfeather: lol
SoAL Gilder: “it’s a miracle!”
SoAL Gilder: indeed, the nation’s poor are finding reason to celebrate
castironfeather: lmao..
SoAL Gilder: as it rained pork chops over the city of tempe today
castironfeather: hahaha
SoAL Gilder: back to you, jane